The Imaginary Restaurant Review


Hello everyone, 

It’s currently 1:46 in the morning, and I’ve been applying to jobs for the past few hours. I came across an editorial assistant position for a restaurant guide, The Infatuation. Their application required a short, five restaurant guide for any city besides NYC and LA in their style. I didn’t know five restaurants outside of NYC, so I decided to research the cuisine of the most random place I could think of: Socotra. Socotra is an island off of the Horn of Africa in the Indian Ocean. It has an interesting local culture and pristine beaches. Because of its unique landscape and wildlife, it’s known as the most alien place on earth! There aren’t many well-known restaurants there, so this wasn’t easy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 


Were you planning on visiting the remote desert island of Socotra this summer? You know, the land time forgot? The island that’s known as the most alien on earth? The place with such wonders as the dragon’s blood tree (yes, that’s a thing), pristine desert beaches, rolling white dunes of sand, and goats? I wasn’t, but you obviously are, since you clicked this. Come, walk with me. Take off your shoes and let’s feel the warm sands beneath our feet in Hadiboh, Socotra.

Minimalist Winter Photography Kit

Minimalist Winter Photography Kit

So, you’re a dedicated photographer who wants to take winter shots without freezing your (insert body part here) off? Well, I have a few free or affordable suggestions for you. These can all fit in a camera bag, and they are invaluable to my personal kit.