About Me

Who am I? 

This is a tough section to write. I’m still working on who I am, but in the meantime, I’ll tell you what I’ve done and what I plan to do.

I’ve danced many nights away in dimly lit places, laughing with people never to be seen again. I’ve slaved away many nights building electrical control panels in my basement to the sound of Journey. For a long while, I was a happy person stuck in the prison of my mind, and this blog is an expression of my newfound freedom. 

I graduated with a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering with absolutely no sense of direction. Over time and much consideration, I realized that my true passion is creative expression through writing and photography. The exploration of thought and space, as well as people and pursuits, has been quite fulfilling. I’ve been spending a great deal of time reconciling the different facets of my life, and this blog is partially the result. It is my dream to one day be a travel writer. What more can one ask for than to learn about the world’s cultures, taste its cuisines, and to love and laugh with its people? Especially the tasting the world’s cuisines part. I mean, who doesn’t like to eat?


When I started this, it was meant to be a portfolio. I was to showcase my work to prospective employers as well as friends and family. Before, I had nothing to show of my passions, which lied undiscovered and undeveloped. Now I finally have a place to focus my ideas, hone my skills, and receive feedback on my work. It’s where I vent frustrations, share inspirations, and hopefully, it’ll help with my job applications 🙂 . 

Thank You

I truly appreciate your support, comments, and constructive criticism. It is my greatest hope that my writing and photography has made you smile, especially in a time of need. The highest honor you could give me is a moment of thought. If you enjoy my website, please follow GoHomeMiles on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and let me know what you think!

With Love,

Miles Gopie