Post Process #1

Post Process (Black and White, Dogs Only!)

Hello Everyone, 

This is the beginning of a new series, where I will edit, crop, and color correct the best pictures from my previous posts.

Black and White

Old Friend

This is my good friend Alex. I believe the only change needed is a nice crop, but I also experimented with the exposure curve for this image. (I lightened the brightest tones and darkened the lowest tones to make an S-shaped exposure curve, which increases its contrast. 


Manhattan Bridge

This is a picture of the Manhattan Bridge. Though the original was in black and white, I thought the color version was quite delightful. For the B&W, I adjusted the exposure curve and added a slight vignette to draw the eye towards the center of the image. 



This is a reflection of me and my friend Alex in a puddle. The cobblestone provides a great texture for the image, but I wanted to make the reflection pop a bit more. I added a vignette and adjusted the exposure curve to provide more contrast. 


Dogs Only! 


 The Staredown

This good boy or girl (I didn’t check) was from the dog park in Washington Square Park. I adjusted the color curves like before, increased the vibrancy, and added a vignette to center the composition. 


The Staredown #2

This is a picture was taken near the previous one. The editing process was similar to before.

 The Cute Dog

Cute dog. Similar procedure. 


 The Dance

Some more shenanigans. Same procedure: vignette and color curves. 

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