Hi! I’m Miles

Hello everyone! This is the first entry in what I hope will become an enjoyable and informative blog. First things first, thank you for checking out my humble website. I am a bit new to all of this, so I hope you take that into account before you call for heads to roll. If something seems wrong, please let me know!

Now that’s out of the way, I have several ideas for what this website will become. I would like this to be an outlet for creativity, be it in the form of short stories, photography, travel, or whatever else I feel like that day. I know, rule one should be to have a goal in mind for a website. I don’t.

That being said, I believe this website will come under focus over time. I must first figure out my own interests before I can write about them consistently, so for now, I will just write. (And take pictures. Maybe videos).

My first idea is called “101 Gym Stories”. My gym has so many great characters that I think this’ll be fun. I’ll try my best to do them justice.

