Photo Challenges!

Hello everyone,

After deciding that we needed a better hobby than bar hopping, my friend Alex and I have chosen to do photo challenges on Saturdays. I will post my best and worst photos, and list things that I could have done better. The goal is to become a better photographer, and have fun! I hope you enjoy, and I would appreciate any constructive criticism you have to offer.


Gym Story #1: Charlie and the Steel Mill

Charlie and the Steel Mill

“Whew, hey ma! I’m in a rush, the gym’s about to close in an hour, and I gotta finally get this done. Love you, bye!” Charlie hung up and kept on riding through the parking lot. He knew today was the first step on the path to becoming an Adonis… or at least whatever the Indian equivalent was. His face was covered in sweat, and his posture faltered as he hopped off his longboard and scurried up the stairs to the gym. He was a skinny young man, with a weak jaw and even weaker arms. After climbing three flights, he forced open the large steel door to a long hallway. It was late, and there were only a few veterans using free weights. He went up to the desk to sign in, and as he was about to continue, the desk assistant came. “Enjoy your workout!” she cheerfully exclaimed. She had jet black hair, and an air of confidence that was both refreshing and motivating. At least, that is all that Charlie could gather, as he only looked from the corner of his eyes. He shyly nodded in her general direction and opened his mouth, his voice cracking as he attempted a greeting. His heart now racing, he briskly scurried away to the locker room.

After changing, he walked a straight line to the nearest bench. It was all he knew from the few attempts he made to lift at school. As he arrived, he noticed a milk jug filled with water on the floor. “Hey!” he heard from behind.  “Hey man, I got like just two more sets. You’re welcome to work in if you want!” Charlie swung around, his eyes immediately focusing on the man’s prominent nipples. Charlie had only seen neon string shirts in old movies and never expected to witness one in real life.  His eyes struggled between glances at his mountainous chest and the man’s peculiar haircut. His hair stood like short tufts of wheat grass, neatly placed in the holes of a slightly reddish bowling ball. “Yeah? Are you sure, I mean I don’t have to um… use…” The man’s mouth cracked open with a luminous smile. “Hell yeah! Of course man! I’m Joe, nice to meet you!” Joe swung his massive arm and violently shook Charlie’s. “Come on, let’s see what you got!”

“Let me just fill this jug back up, and I’ll give you a spot!” said Joe. As he turned his back, Charlie reclined on the bench, quickly grabbing the bar. He had not heeded the fact that there were two plates on each side. He heaved with all of his might, his body squirming like a worm. The weight briefly hovered, and then slowly came down to his chest. Dread filled his heart, and he was only able to take shallow breaths. After a few moments of silent panic, he finally gave up, his posture collapsing.

Hi! I’m Miles

Hello everyone! This is the first entry in what I hope will become an enjoyable and informative blog. First things first, thank you for checking out my humble website. I am a bit new to all of this, so I hope you take that into account before you call for heads to roll. If something seems wrong, please let me know!

Now that’s out of the way, I have several ideas for what this website will become. I would like this to be an outlet for creativity, be it in the form of short stories, photography, travel, or whatever else I feel like that day. I know, rule one should be to have a goal in mind for a website. I don’t.

That being said, I believe this website will come under focus over time. I must first figure out my own interests before I can write about them consistently, so for now, I will just write. (And take pictures. Maybe videos).

My first idea is called “101 Gym Stories”. My gym has so many great characters that I think this’ll be fun. I’ll try my best to do them justice.

